Resources: Productivity

Why You Need Workplace Strategy - IG Markets, Melbourne

Beyond Location: Why a Workplace Strategy is Crucial for Your Office Hunt

In the endless scramble to secure prime office real estate, many businesses forget that the address is only part of the equation. What happens inside those walls—and how effectively that space enables your team to work—is where the real strategy lies. Workplace strategy steps in as the critical framework that redefines the process of selecting and designing an office.

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TPG Offices Perth - Corporate Interior Design Explained

Transforming the Office: Corporate Interior Design Explained

Corporate interior design plays a critical role in shaping not just the aesthetic appeal of an office, but also its functionality, employee experience, and brand identity. In the modern corporate landscape, workspaces are no longer merely places to complete tasks—they are environments that influence creativity, collaboration, and wellbeing.

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The Colour Psychology of Workspace Design

The Colour Psychology of Workspace Design

Colour psychology delves into how different colours affect human emotions and behaviours. This field has garnered substantial interest across various domains, including marketing, healthcare, and notably, office design.

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The Subtle Art of Making a Workspace Your Own

Imagine stepping into an office where each desk, rather than marching in monotonous uniformity, sings a different tune. One corner sports a vibrant splash of family photos and postcards from far-flung places, while another hosts a zen garden, complete with miniature rake and serene rock formations.

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Gamifying the Workplace

Gamifying the Workplace: The Power of Leaderboards

In the landscape of corporate performance enhancement, a novel concept has gained traction: gamification. Integrating game elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards into work environments is being touted as a groundbreaking strategy to boost employee engagement and productivity.

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Office Design Adelaide Mcconnell Dowell

The Case for the Office in a Post-Pandemic World: A Manifesto for Bringing People Back

In the post-pandemic landscape, the office has languished as a forgotten relic while the world has embraced restaurants, concerts, and global travel with renewed zest. Despite eager calls from leadership for a return to the nine-to-five, desks remain empty, and conference rooms echo with the ghostly clicks of past presentations. Yet, the potential of the physical office remains significant—an untapped resource in an era desperate for connection and innovation.

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